Sign Up for an Unlimited Car Wash Plan

Simply fill out the form in four easy steps

  • 1. Unlimited Plan
  • 2. Customer Information
  • 3. Vehicle Information
  • 4. Checkout
Select Subscription *


Thank you for choosing Our Wash Club Plan. Your plan includes 1 wash per day and will renew monthly. Your credit card will be charged each month on the day you signed up. Your card will be billed for the first month's cycle and this amount is non-refundable. You may cancel any time after your first month. Please stop in and fill out a cancellation form, or go online under the "Carwash Loyalty Washify " App from Google or Apple Play store to cancel your subscription. Please allow at least 5 days prior to your renewal day to cancel. No refund for cash customers. See web site for full details. Our office phone number is 315-565-5045.

You must agree before going further.

Select Payment Method

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Order Details

  • Customer
  • Vehicle
  • Subscription
$ First Month Discount
$ Tax
$ Total